Friday, June 26, 2009


So I recently became obsessed with downloading widgets onto my Mac dashboard and one of my favorites (apart from the virtual roller coaster that actually screams... it's cool, don't judge) is the countdown calendar. About that... I swear it seems like just the other day it read 50 something + days until Spain... NOW IT SAYS ONE. :) YAY!

So I'm new to this whole blogging thing. I was a bit hesitant to make one partly because I've always been absolutely terrible at/seriously loathed those soul-searching questionnaires like "describe yourself in three words" and just general all about myself things, which I kind of associate with blogging. But on second thought, I figured it might be cool to be able to share my trip with my friends and family (plus my mom wants constant confirmation that I am still alive and well... so that definitely factored into the creation of this here blog). I figured I should post my first entry before I leave the comfort of my Lovett AirNet wireless just in case for some reason the whole let's sit in the plazas in Cádiz and use the free WiFi on our laptops thing falls through. That would result in the most pitiful blog ever so at least now it'll definitely have one entry.

Plus writing on here marks me actually doing something with my life today other than watching Gilmore Girls, inhaling copious amounts of Port City Java coffee (I've gotta store up, it's going to be five weeks before I have it again) and obtaining a large bruise on my leg from falling during an intense struggle with my suitcase while bouncing up and down on top of it in an attempt to zip it shut. But I won in case you were wondering. I do believe that I am packed and ready to go... somehow during this past week the explosion of stuff around my room (that warranted a fair amount of contempt and nagging from the parental units) made its way into my suitcase and new North Face backpack (I figured the L.L. Bean monogrammed backpack I've had since middle school might not be the best European travel pack... it's been retired now.)

So now all I've got to do is actually make it to Spain! I'm leaving Wilmington tomorrow morning, flying to Philadelphia, then to London and then arriving in Barcelona on Sunday around lunch time. Next time I write I guess I'll be in Cádiz! ¡Hasta luego!


  1. Gilmore Girls and Port City Java...Sounds like the perfect day to me! And, btw, jumping on a suitcase to make it close is an extreme sport. Maybe you should train for the Olympics? `~) En serio, que tengas un viaje tremendo y te divertas muchisimo. Espero tu regreso y nuestra proxima cena/noche de cine. Con todo mi carino, un abrazo, y un besito,

  2. You go girl!!!
    Can't wait to see pics and hear all the stories...
    Uncle John

  3. Have a great time and be sure to come back in one piece (no body piercings or other weird things they may think are cool in Spain!)
