Sunday, June 28, 2009

¿como se dice jet lag en español?

Well I made it to Barcelona! But just to warn you this may be a very interesting blog due to my current state... have you ever experienced the unique combination of lack of sleep, changes in time zone and severe over-caffeination? That's what I'm feeling right now and let me tell you it's a rather strange sensation. Haha.

I feel like I'm officially a seasoned world traveler now... after a six hour layover in Philadelphia filled with intense people watching, an unsuccessful Starbucks hunt and getting kicked out of the Brookstone store for sitting in the massage chairs for too long (why do they even bother to put them there if they don't want you to use them?? Seriously), I took one of those amazing NyQuil pills and slept like a baby for the majority of the flight (save for the solid hour in which an actual baby was screaming a few rows ahead of me). I then milled around in the Heathrow airport for an hour or so, of course spending the most time in the awesome toy store. :) Forget Harrod's and Coach. I then boarded my connecting flight with all these ambitious plans to review spanish for the next three hours... before conking out unexpectedly and waking up fifteen minutes before landing in Barcelona. Whoops.

But anyway... the city is beautiful! I don't think I'm fully grasping the fact that I am actually here just quite yet... maybe I'll get to that once my body figures out what time zone it's in. After getting off the plane I followed the huge, idiot-proof green line to the baggage claim, snatched up my bag sin problemas and directed our taxi driver to the Hotel Colón, where my fellow Cádiz goers and I are currently residing checking our emails courtesy of the hotel's free wireless. We're quite a sight to see I'm sure... a group of slightly disheveled, sleep-deprived Americans typing away on our computers. But don't get the wrong idea... we spent about three hours exploring the city right after arriving. We strolled down the main street, La Rambla, took touristy pictures of the beautiful architecture and saw the port before coming back here to crash. But I AM resisting the urge to nap. Some of my fellow classmates haven't been so successful... our numbers are dwindling as people head off to rest before dinner at 8:00. Something tells me I am going to sleep very, very well tonight.

Well, that's all for now. Over and out!

A note for Allison Jones (I promised I would!): Um... so our first Tourista Barista coffee attempt was an epic fail. Amy and I got all excited, selected the coffee shop and eagerly placed our orders... only to be served a cup of ice accompanied by a black americano concoction minus cream or sugar. We tried to salvage it with some little sketchy packs of what we thought was sugar before chucking it and going to the Starbucks across from our hotel. We'll get better, promise.


  1. Siento un gran alivio que hayas llegado a Espana sin problema y ya hayas tenido tu primera aventura de cafe! Sigue intentando y seguro que tendras exito `~) Como encuentras Barcelona? Has visto la architectura de Gaudi? Te gusta? Las Ramblas es otra aventura, no? Has visitado el pueblo olimpico? Espero tu proximo blog y que te diviertas muchisimo, angelita!

  2. KATIE, he quedado en Hotel Colón!! im glad y'all got there safe... i'm going to be stalking you like crazy.. have SO MUCH FUN :) te amo. -Haley
